This week our family took a 2 day vacation to Point Beach State Park near Two Rivers, WI. Here are the highlights...
Tuesday evening we got there around 6 pm, started a fire and set up camp. We grilled brats and hot dogs, toasted marshmallows, and got a bit annoyed with our neighbors who were listening to soul music REALLY loud. We decided this campground had camp sites entirely too close together. Doug asked a child, who will remain nameless, to put the coolers and food tote in the car before going to bed. That didn't happen. I was awoken 3 times during the night by a raccoon and another animal I couldn't identify who were raiding our food. They made off with the 3 hot dogs we didn't grill, finished off a package of lunch meat, tore up some hot dog buns, and completely hiked off with an entire package of marshmallows and a whole loaf of bread. I don't know how they managed that. I didn't realize they were smart enough to open up coolers and flip top lids on totes. Stinking little critters! Lesson learned.
Wednesday after a yummy breakfast of hash browns, sausage, eggs, and juice we went to Two Rivers. We enjoyed a museum of the history of local commercial fishing and local shipwrecks. Then we went to the Washington House Museum. It is an old hotel converted into a museum with an ice cream shop included. Here we learned the 3 most important things about Two Rivers: 1. It is the home of the ice cream sundae. It was invented here in 1881. 2. It is the coldest town in WI with an average summer temperature of 72 degrees. 3. Charlton Heston's wife was from Two Rivers. Apparently that is still an important fact. The best part was the ice cream at the end of our tour. Yum! After the museum we went back to camp and had lunch and a nap. We needed one after being woke up by the beasts during the night. Then we donned our swimming suits and walked over to Lake Michigan. We had fun playing in the sand and water. I didn't care for the water much because it was FREEZING and looked like pea soup, the algae was so thick. The kids had fun playing in it though and all had a good time. Alayna stayed at camp to shower and nap. Wednesday night we made dutch oven potatoes and did some reading and relaxing around the fire. Everyone had to have showers after being at the lake. We made sure to get all food put in the van this time and the night was much more peaceful. Our neighbors across the way didn't fare so good though. Apparently they all got too drunk to remember the night before where the animals got into our food and theirs. They left food out AGAIN and AGAIN the animals came. So they were up during the night chasing animals out of their campsite. He he.
Thursday morning we got up and cooked another yummy breakfast. Right when we were finishing up the rain came. I decided it was a good time to pack up and get outta there. So we worked quickly in the mud and rain and had everything packed in about an hour.
It was a fun trip, and relaxing as well. Its always great to get out of the normal daily routine and spend time together as a family.