Monday, May 11, 2009

Mother's Day

I had a nice relaxing day on Sunday. It started off by Doug making me crepes in the new crepe pan he bought me. They were filled with strawberries and whipped cream and topped with more strawberries and powdered sugar. They were delicious, and I thank him for the new crepe pan, mine was destroyed last year. After breakfast I took a nap. It felt good to be lazy!

We went to church where my son did his mom proud by giving a nice talk on mother's and how what his mom has taught him relates to scouting.

When we came home Doug fired up the grill for hamburgers and hot dogs. I was in the mood for a nice, big burger. I made some potato salad to go along with it. Alayna baked lemon bars for dessert, it was a delicious meal. Thanks to all the kids and Doug for pitching in to prepare it.

After dinner we watched "Quantum of Solace". It was a good movie, of course, like all James Bond movies.

It is wonderful to have a family that loves and appreciates me, at least some of the time. ;) I'm so thankful for my own mom and the friendship and advice that she has given me, especially in my adult years.

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