Monday, December 15, 2008

Sabra's Wedding December 13, 2008

Alayna and I flew over to Cache Valley Thursday afternoon for my neice Sabra's wedding to Troy Clark. Like a dummy, I forgot my camera. So more pictures will be posted after I mooch them off of other people! (Got some...thanks Jess and Dan) The morning of her wedding was a horrible snowstorm that dumped 5 or 6 inches really fast so when we left to go help decorate I was white knuckling it from Hyrum to least 1/2 of the way the roads weren't plowed and I was driving my parents car. Sabra and Troy were married in a clubhouse at a golf course on top of a steep hill. A few of us (me included) had fun trying to get up that dang hill. We had to work really fast to get everything ready before people showed up at 11:30. My neice Jessica was the wedding planner, I thought she was going to have a heart attack she was so stressed!
It went off beautifully. So did the luncheon that Troy's mom put on. Wow! Everything was delicious and so fancy, very impressive! The reception capped off a long and exciting day. Thankfully the roads were cleared by then. They are now off on their honeymoon cruise to Mexico. They are such a cute couple. I hope they have a beautiful life together. I cant believe my Sabie Baby is married!!!!!

1 comment:

Stacy Summers said...

Glad you made it home safely!!!!