Thursday, September 4, 2008

I've Been Tagged

My friend Janette tagged me. For those of you who aren't familiar with this; you list 3 joys, 3 fears, 3 goals, 3 current obsessions/collections, and 3 facts about yourself. Then list 5 people you are tagging and let them know by commenting on their blog (or e-mailing).

My family
Being outdoors

Death of my husband/kids/parents
Alayna's driving

Loose 10 lbs
Cut down to 2 cans of diet coke a day
Get my life/home better organized

Current obsessions/collections:
Diet coke (I'm down to 4 though)
Making lists; currently working on a major to-do list and Christmas list (I want to be ready early this year!)

I'm a 4th generation Arizona native (and proud of it!)
I drink WAY too much diet coke
I'm kind of a tomboy (my mom would say "not very ladylike!")

I'm tagging Camey, Jen Brewer, Tessa, Stacy, Sabra

1 comment:

Jen B said...

Okay - I've been purposely avoiding the tagging blogs- so I don't have to come up with any interesting facts about myself... Thanks-a-lot!!:) I'm making a new rule! No Tag-backs! JB LOL :)